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Explore education research and insights

Learn about the state of computer science education today and explore opportunities to transform the classroom experience so all students can build the skills they’ll need for the future.

Closing the computer science (CS) education learning gap

Diversity trends and challenges in CS education for U.S. K-12 schools

Current perspectives and continuing challenges in CS education for U.S. K-12 schools 2020 report

Understand gaps in K-12 computer science education access for K-12 in this 2020 U.S. report — part of a multiyear, comprehensive research effort from Gallup and Google.

View and download report statistics in Google Slides format to use in your own presentations.

Explore summary findings by group on closing the CS learning gap

Searching for computer science: Access and barriers in U.S. K-12 education 2015 report

Students, parents, teachers, and administrators recognize the importance of computer science education, but it’s still not a priority in many schools. Our reports examine what this means for rural, Black, female, and Hispanic students in the U.S.

Explore summary findings by group on closing the CS learning gap

Diversity gaps in computer science education: Exploring the underrepresentation of girls, Blacks, and Hispanics

Understanding the structural and social barriers that discourage students from pursuing computer science education can help parents, teachers, and administrators find ways to bring more students to the field. Read report.

Encouraging students toward computer science learning

Beyond access, interest and confidence make a difference in which students learn computer science skills and which don’t. Read report.

Images of computer science: Perceptions among students, parents, and educators in the U.S.

Entrenched stereotypes and few visible role models could be contributing to the lack of racial and gender diversity in computer science education and careers. Read report.

Cracking the code: The prevalence and nature of computer science depictions in media

How computer science shows up in popular media can influence student perceptions about who computer science professionals are and what they do. Read report.

Trends in the state of computer science in U.S. K-12 schools

A look at how perceptions of computer science and learning opportunities are evolving among K-12 students, teachers, and administrators. Read report.

Understanding the landscape of CS learning in higher education

A longitudinal analysis of community college pathways to computer science bachelor’s degrees

Community colleges play a significant role in guiding a more diverse pool of talent into computer science careers. Find out what more they can do to smooth the path. Read report.

Student perspectives of community college pathways to computer science bachelor’s degrees

Students need more flexibility and clarity as they navigate from community college to careers in computer science. Read report.

Pre-college computer science education: A survey of the field

An examination of how children engage with computer science education and improvements that could lead to more equitable opportunities in schools. Read report.

Women who choose computer science — What really matters

Encouragement and exposure play critical roles in leading women to pursue degrees in computer science. Read report.

U.S. state reports on CS education

K-12 computer science education state reports 2017

A look at how students, parents, teachers, and administrators perceive and experience computer science education in 43 U.S. states.

K-12 computer science education state reports 2016

How perceptions, opportunities, participation, and infrastructure influence computer science education in 11 U.S. states.

Improving student engagement and building skills for the future

Driving the skills agenda: Preparing students for the future

How 21st century skills such as digital literacy, teamwork, and critical thinking are — or aren’t — equipping students for what’s next in the world of work. Read report.

Fostering exploration and excellence in 21st century schools

To prepare students for 21st century jobs, teachers need new strategies, technologies, and tools in the classroom. Read report.

Closing the gaps – improving literacy and mathematics by ICT enhanced collaboration

Information and communication technology (ICT) shows promise in enhancing the effectiveness of teaching models in reading and math. Read report.

Teacher status in Finland: How respect and autonomy have shaped the profession

Teaching is one of the most sought-after, respected professions in Finland. Here’s a look at why and what it means for the educational system. Read report.

Unconscious bias in the classroom: Evidence and opportunities

An examination of how unconscious bias impacts representation in computer science and STEM fields, and strategies for improvement. Read report.

Intelligence unleashed: An argument for AI in education

A primer on artificial intelligence and its potential to enhance and improve student learning in real-world classrooms. Read report.

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